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Our gums and bone are the foundation of our smile. We are pleased to offer treatment for patients with periodontal disease to help combat the disease process and maintain the health of your gums.

Scaling and Root Planing

Periodontal Disease, or periodontitis, is an inflammatory condition of the gums and bone that support our teeth.  Like high blood pressure and diabetes, it is caused by a number of factors, some of which we can control (like oral hygiene and smoking), and some of which we cannot (like genetics and the type of bacteria in our mouths).  The periodontal tissues are the foundation of our dentition, and uncontrolled periodontal disease is a common cause of tooth loss.  When a patient has periodontal disease, a simple cleaning is insufficient to remove the plaque and tartar that cause this inflammatory process, and scaling and root planing is necessary.  With scaling and root planing, your gums will be numbed to ensure a comfortable experience.  Then a hygienist will clean below the gum line to remove any tenacious tartar that’s causing inflammation, then smooth the root surfaces of your teeth to allow the inflammation to resolve and help your gums heal.  After any periodontal treatment, it is extremely important to follow up with checkups at 3-month intervals to make sure the inflammation is clearing up.  Proper home care is also of the utmost importance for long-term success after treatment.

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